Upon state application approval, DBPR will notify Pearson Vue, the company that proctors the State Exam.
Pearson Vue will send you an Authorization email, containing login instructions and the FLREAPP ID that DBPR has assigned to you. Use this information to create a Pearson Vue account and view the upcoming scheduling options. You will need to send Pearson Vue the Certificate of Completion from your Pre-Licensing course.
The state exam is a 3.5-hour, computer-based exam which requires a passing grade of 75% or higher. You can take this in-person at a Pearson Vue location.
Out-of-State Licensees:
Florida has mutual recognition agreements with other states. If you are licensed in AL, AR, CT, GA, IL, KY, MS, NE, RI, or WV, you may be eligible to receive a license through mutual recognition*. For more information, please contact DBPR at (850-487-1395) or visit DBPR Mutual Recognition Agreements for information.
*Additional fees may apply